Wednesday, June 2

Sometimes, long rides home from work really gets me into deep thoughts.
I simply love long bus rides, with earplucks stuck into my ears, totally indulging into the music.
This track is my current fav on my ipod. . .
simply explains and says everything i'm going through daily,
or how i feel towards love, life and all that matters..
honestly, i stopped believing in myself including people around me.
sometimes, somethings are just meant to be kept in your heart,
no point sharing it with someone else, because no one can ever understand your thoughts, your voice.
I stopped yearning, complaining, losing my temper, demanding, wishing, wanting, dreaming, loving.

Here's some lyrics from that fav. song. . .


I wish i could go back,
where things were still so beautiful..

Tuesday, June 1

The usual ' Dinner and Movie' routine..