Shinyeeee ah, Shinyeeee.
ive been cabing down to school this entire week!
school starts @ 9am and im still in bed @ 8.59!!
& Special Thanks to wendy and sookuan for the spamcalls hahaha.
i really appreciated it,
otherwise, i wouldnt be in school presenting.
Million thanks<3
Right, i have been skipping lessons too.
lectures and tutorials.
i tend to get tired and dozy during lessons ah.
super monotonous, how boring lectures can be.
& i cant even lay my head properly on the swinging MINI-desk. wtf
it is like whenever i move my head, my stuffs on the desk would drop and the whole world will look at me. such an embarraement!
So, as mentioned, today, i was late for DSS
by the way,
DSS=Decision Supply Spreadsheet=Damn Sucky Subject(samuel wrote this in his msn) hahaha
mr bee doesnt even bother if im late, so i dont give a damn,
eventually, i didnt pay much attention, and my notebook is DOWN!!
fuck man.
cant enter MSN, cant surf online.
since, ive got nothing else to do other than to listen to teacher;s ranting,
i Decided to....
and yup.
i woke up in time to end the lesson.
packed up my stuffs and headed usual hangout place.
gossiped, make-up, slacked in the toilet, then headed to canteen 1.
supposed to go for a BMGT lec, but tooo sian and beat for dnt know what reason, so we went to makan instead!!!
used our lappys, surfed the net for awhile.
some of them were EYE-candying, while im all focused into something else, haha.
received a msg, decided to not go for POA lecture also.
so went to meet him.
got my MC excuse at clementi polyclinic @ 4.60 only!!
saw lixian and ivy on the way.
they said ive grown prettier lol.
thanks uh!
aftermath, went VIVO.
i guess im soon gonna be sick of vivo.
bad memories that i left there.
forget it. i wish it would it over and forever over(:
watched HANCOCK!
Will smith is getting better in his acting i must say.
i rmbed his first movie, dnt know what name, cldnt rmb.
he pretty sucked at it.
abt hancock this movie,
if i were to have a special power, it would be being invisible.
i think it is super useful hahah
when u feel like peeping during exam, you can peep and no one knows!
also, you wont get stalked haha!
but most imptly,
whenever i feel like being alone, i will just disappear without a trace, leaving me alone to sort my thoughts out.
how terrific it will be huh!
today's day out with him is simply awesome, fabulous.
i never felt like this before.
getting all the attention that i lost since million years ago.
my life is changing. yes i know.
somehow i just cant forget this special feeling.
whenever im with you,
im thinking,
is it a blessing sent from the sky that you came into my life and engraved part of yourself into me.
i know that
i'll always have you